Contact Us

Get in Touch

We would love to here from you if you have any questions or would like some advice on what would be best suited to feed your dog or cat.

Our mobile is the best number to reach us.


Address: Nar Nar Goon, Victoria 3812

Mobile: 0403 212 226

Business Hours

Generally we are available during the following days and times, however this does vary depending on our deliveries and other appointments.

Orders are to be placed online (including payment) and then we will contact you to arrange a day/time that is convenient for you for pickup. You can also call us once you’ve placed your order to arrange pickup as well.

When you arrive wait at the gate and give us a call so that we know you are here. We will then bring your order out to you.

For our delivery options refer to our delivery page.

Tuesday - 10am to 5pm

Wednesday - 10am to 5pm

Thursday - 10am to 5pm

Friday - 10am to 6pm

Saturday - 10am to 1pm

Sunday to Monday - Closed


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